Sunday, June 9, 2013


  • The 10 minutes of bliss after the Bees/Wasps disappear and before the mosquitos come out
  • Bananas go from not ready to perfect to gross so fast
  • Stretching to ease tight/sore muscles and then become sore from stretching
  • Relaxing on Sunday and then that twinge of stress I feel when the sun starts to set
  • Birds crapping on my car as soon as I get it washed
  • Being too tired to get up and go to bed
  • Fear of both failure and success
  • Overpriced unhealthy lunches can stop anytime I want it to... I want it to, but haven't

Friday, May 3, 2013

Testing the Water

Plank, drank, think-tank
One line in and already drawing a blank
A forced rhyme is one likely not to rank
If I can get over this hump,
I expect the words to flow like a sump-pump
But how does one brain-dump an empty mind?
I've been feeling just fine and it's way past time for wine
Is it, I need drama to inspire?
My words the remained ash from fire?
Neither tightrope nor down to the wire
I will force it - I'm a knight not a squire
Rather, an Esquire, trained to run over words like a tire
And if I can't produce, I'll retire
LIAR!  Yes, I'll call myself out
What's that?  Self-depreciating self-doubt
SHOUT! Not me, not today
I dare let my imagination and not lack thereof get in my way
NO WAY! Just tap into my inner child at play
Carefree and say whatever the hell I want to say
It's my time, my moon, this Taurus was born in the month of May
Yes, I'm approaching my birthday
and I'm not sure how I feel to be approaching the wrong side of thirty (thir-tay)
It's just a number and I am in the best shape of my life
God-willing, it shall be a year free of strife
However, more on that as that day approaches
I'm tired now... and with that, buenos noches

Thursday, April 18, 2013


It is way past my bedtime and I shouldn't be writing.  However, I've been wanting to fire the blog back up for quite some time, but keep delaying.  We've established that it is not for lack of desire.  I do desire.  Laziness?  No, I'm far from lazy - especially these days.  Time?  Perhaps, but what is time?  It's merely 12:40 AM.  Yes, time, perhaps, but I could have blogged instead of watching Mortal Kombat 2 (terrible movie).  I could have blogged instead of playing this (I got 4 goals and won a cup, but please don't ask me how long it took).  I could have blogged for the last several months.

But I've failed to share so much.  My life has been nothing if not interesting since I've last sat in front of a screen jotting words like someone should care.  No one cares, as they shouldn't.  I don't really even care, as I shouldn't; but, I might care in 40 years, as I should.  As I anticipate that I should, but in 40 years, I'll be old - God willing - and probably won't care then either.  It would be interesting, an old me saying:  I should re-read my blog that I wrote when I was young.... I'll do it when I have the time.  I'll do it when I am spending less time playing bridge, or chess, or perfecting card tricks, or traveling to and from space or whatever it is that Craig-now-plus-40 might be up to.... and I'll delay and delay.... and eventually read each and every entry in one night and sleep through my granddaughter's soccer game... and kick myself... or wish I could kick myself.... and remember I never could kick myself... and then join a gym, yoga and karate and tell my trainers I have one goal: to be able to kick myself.  And they'd think I am crazy - and rightfully so, because I am crazy... and when I read this post, I'll laugh and wonder what I did next after writing it.  I'd hope the answer is brush my teeth and go straight to bed.  I'd know better.

And... he... has broken the silence.  [with this nonsense!]

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Owning the Weekend

So I worked late on Friday.  So I worked a few hours on Saturday.  So I check email 24/7, but that didn't define my weekend.  Oh, no, not this weekend.  It was quick, but it was complete.  I've no regrets; I do not regret the following:

  • Catching up on a little bit of my DVR on Friday and talked to my brother
  • Karate on Saturday morning followed by Dunkin Donuts; a little punkin for the season
  • Long shower
  • Beautiful fall drive into Princeton for a haircut followed by my first ever mani-pedi; I coyishly entered the shop... the ladies tried to seat me in the front, I requested the back; they knew why. I enjoyed it.  It was a nice treat and I still feel like a man
  • I ordered the iPhone 5; delay was totally my fault
  • Treated myself to Mexican
  • Buckeyes won
  • Up early on Sunday, morning Mass
  • Out for a little shopping
  • Eye Exam and selected a new pair of glasses (moving from Prada to Ray Ban; trendier than I had anticipated, but I'm hoping they work)
  • Purchased a book (Cronin's The Twelve) and had coffee and a cookie at Barnes & Noble
  • Treated self to a movie
  • Home at a decent hour, chatted with grandmother and cooked (not microwaved) and prepared food prior to my 9pm Sunday evening appointment with Showtime
I am easily ready for Monday.  Content and at peace.  

Sunday, September 30, 2012

First World Problems

Is Craig day (Sunday) becoming complicated?  Not really.  It's still easy.  Mass is a staple.  It is only a matter or when and where: 11:30 or 5pm, Princeton or Plainsboro.  So far, actually, I've yet to attend church in Plainsboro.  I am a creature of habit, no doubt, but I also think I rather enjoy Princeton, and its food options, on a Sunday.

Sunday also sometimes involves a workout or a visit from a friend.  I'd take more of either.  More often, it involves sitting around all day watching football.  I have the red zone channel and can't seem to tear myself away from the TV.  It's not a bad way to spend Sunday, as I enjoy football, but I never feel good afterward.  And besides, Sunday evening is also my favorite TV-watching night.  It's really the only day I watch TV; Sunday doesn't have a bad season.

Now, however, and I don't know how this happened, but there is a major conflict.  There is absolutely nothing on at 8pm.  So I supposed the 8 to 9 hour is a wash (Words with Friends, Chess with Friends and Scramble, but thinking I could spend an hour reading or exercising or even catching up with a friend), but the 9pm hour is mad drama.  Somehow, 3 of my favorite shows are all scheduled to come on at 9: Dexter, Boardwalk Empire and Revenge.  I guess thank God Mad Men is not on.  Anyway, I guess I used this hour productively ----- I blogged, chatted on FaceBook with a good friend and set the DVR to record Revenge and Dexter.  I hope it works.  The decision is Boardwalk Empire ---- and it starts in 1 minute.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Body, I command you to move. Move now!

First Karate class complete.  I'm alive, no black eye.  The kids didn't laugh at me, nor did they make fun of me.  I didn't feel awkward at all, they were nice.  There was one other adult and while she had an Orange Belt, she was just as bad as me in the same boat as me.

It's bizarre.  I got there early to watch for a while.  It seemed simple, kick, punch and kia (spirit yell).  Side kick, front kick.. sure okay.  NO.  Only in my mind.  The body - tight, uncooperative... and my balance was horrible.

It was no where near as bad as yoga.  I will certainly return - only, with tempered expectations and humility.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's Next? Wax On, Wax Off

Thinking I have identified it.  Karate.  It works... I think.  Meets several needs:

  1. getting in shape
  2. getting zen
  3. meeting people
  4. I can daydream about being Jason Bourne and doing Jason Bourne shit ... should I need to
  5. it is something I never finished.  While talking to my grandmother... about... what's next... she randomly said "well, you never got your black belt."  It seems that came out of nowhere.  Perhaps from above.  I last took Karate in high school.  How is it possible that I had been pondering it and randomly my grandmother suggests it?

The problem is, I will need to start from scratch.  Fine by me; white belt for now.  Given my current range of motion and balance, it's probably for the best.